Products // Oil Burners // Heavy Oil // Modulating // Press P/Na
(current product)
8526D / 3808526
Heavy oil burner series P/NA is an evolution of the traditional heavy oil modulating burners P/N series. The new range applies a different technology to replace the usual mechanical atomising (high pressure) by “assisted” air/steam atomising (feed pressure 5-8 bar) and taking the related advantages when burning heavy fuels (even vegetal oil). The upgraded design has been introduced to meet even the worst fuel qualities and to reach anyway the best achievable combustion performance (lower particulate and NOx emissions). The capacity range is suited to cover applications on steam generators designed for production from 1 to 6 tons/hr of steam or an equivalent capacity in case of other kind of boiler. Reliable and smooth ignition is achieved by LPG pilot burner installed into the combustion head. The control system includes all safety and operation interlocks, making possible the configuration compliance to the latest design norms on world-wide base (i.e. EN 267 – UL 296 – others), by the available options on request.