Products // Gas Burners // Modulating // Rs/M Series
RS 1200/M
(current product)
1140 T / 20061850
The well-known RS 300-800/M Burner Series, till now available up to 8 MW, has been upgraded with two new powerful burner models, the RS 1000-1200/M models that extend his max output up to 12 MW and make the Burner Series even more complete and suitable for mahing with the various Heat and Steam Generators in today’s market. The New Burner Models take the reliability of combustion and the solidity typical of Riello’s Burners and mah them with the most advanced solutions on Power Output Control and Ventilation Technology; as result a 12 MW output is supplied with a User Friendly monoblock machine assuring easiness of installation and servicing, and safe operation. An easy access to internal components is ensured by the burner opening hinge. The New Gas Models are available with Modulating operation managed through Mechanical Cam, for a simple commissioning and to supply with precision the demanded power, guaranteeing high efficiency and setting stability, obtaining fuel consumption and operating costs reduction.